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Matt Brady – A Champion for San Francisco’s Healthcare Community

Foundation News & Updates

Matt Brady

Matt Brady’s journey to joining the Saint Francis Foundation board is rooted in a lifelong connection to San Francisco. Originally from the East Coast, Matt’s family maintained a deep affection for the city. “My dad lived here for a time and always loved the city,” Matt shares. That family tie eventually led Matt to live and raise his own family in the Bay Area. But it was more than just personal connections that inspired him to contribute to the city’s well-being through his work with the Foundation.

“I was drawn to the Foundation because of its commitment to supporting the people in San Francisco who most need help, especially those in the Tenderloin area,” he explains. Matt believes that the hospital’s mission, particularly its work in the emergency room—where no one is ever turned away—aligns perfectly with his values. “It’s work that really contributes to the life of the city I love.”

Matt joined the Saint Francis Foundation board five years ago, initially serving on committees like finance and audit. However, his involvement deepened over time, and two years ago, he stepped into the role of Board Chair. “As Chair, I’ve had the opportunity to participate in all aspects of the Board’s work, becoming more involved in the day-to-day operations of the Foundation,” he says. His leadership has played a critical role in guiding the Foundation through a period of transition, particularly as the hospital was acquired by UCSF.

When asked about the Foundation’s current priorities, Matt highlights the importance of its grantmaking activities.

“Our grants provide the hospital with tools it wouldn’t otherwise have, directly impacting the wellness of the people it serves,” he emphasizes.

“The work the Grants Committee does is incredibly thoughtful and crucial to our mission.”

Matt Brady

Despite the successes, Matt acknowledges the challenges that come with operating in San Francisco’s evolving healthcare landscape. “The city is still recovering from the economic effects of the pandemic, and that puts stress on the hospital. We need to make sure our hospital continues to serve the community,” he notes. Yet, he remains optimistic, especially with the UCSF acquisition, which he believes will allow the hospital to not only survive but thrive. “Partnering with UCSF is a great opportunity.”

Looking to the future, Matt’s hopes for the Foundation are simple but profound: “My hope is that we continue to serve the people of San Francisco, especially those who need it the most. I’m optimistic that we’re on a good path, and I’m confident in the Foundation’s ability to make a lasting impact and improve the quality of life for everyone in San Francisco.”

For Matt, the most rewarding part of his work with the Foundation is seeing the tangible difference it makes. “The hospital staff constantly tell us how much they rely on the Foundation’s support,” he says. “It’s incredibly satisfying to know that our work is having a direct, quantifiable impact on patient care.”

Matt’s dedication to the Saint Francis Foundation goes beyond his professional role. He believes deeply in the Foundation’s broader mission to uplift the entire city. “Taking care of those who live here improves the quality of life for everyone in San Francisco,” he says. As the city faces its challenges, Matt’s confidence in its resilience mirrors his belief in the Foundation’s ability to make a meaningful difference.

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San Francisco has always come back from its challenges, and I’m proud to be part of an organization helping it do that once again.”